A book for

Unknown Authors by Unknown Authors

For those who dream of being published.

For those who are tired of hearing:

Your platform isn’t big enough.

For those who want to share their stories without having to dance on TikTok.

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#1 Amazon New Release!

A Look at the Life of

an Unknown Author

When a group of unknown authors band together, magic happens.

From all walks of life, and various stages of unknownness, this group of authors reflects on what it means to be unknown and what lessons are learned in anonymity.

Triumphs and defeats, successes and rejections reveal the mettle and grit born out of struggle. Through penning their stories, and joining them together, their collective voice becomes a community of amplified authors.

Consider this an introduction to your next favorite author.

Yellow Sparkles
Yellow Sparkles
Yellow Sparkles

Why does this book matter?

One of the book's featured authors and co-editor of the book, Leslee Stewart, shares why she believes this book is so important in today's publishing world.

Meet the Authors

They are educators, corporate professionals, missionaries, retirees, stand-up comedians, pastors, wranglers, and small business owners.

And they are all unknown authors.

Meet the rag-tag crew of writers who came together in this anthology with one thing in mind: to share why they keep writing, even when very few are reading.

Their unique yet highly-relatable stories of not giving up on their publishing dreams will inspire you to keep reaching for yours.

Cindy Arnold

JJ Barrows

Rose Booth

Jodi Cowles

Karen deBlieck

Maren Heiberg

Bethany McMillon

Rachael Mitchell

Tanya Motorin

Dani Nichols

Don Pape

Blakni Riley

Jace Schwartz

Leslee Stewart

Samantha Stewart

Meet the Publisher


THE UNKNOWN AUTHORS CLUB was formed by Jodi Cowles, Rachael Mitchell, and Leslee Stewart, three aspiring authors with dreams of being courted by a publisher. But their dreams were quickly dashed after each received a chorus of resounding “no’s.” The problem wasn’t their content—these three could definitely write! The problem was nobody knew who they were. No publisher would take a chance on a writer who didn’t have a built-in audience of tens of thousands of potential readers.

Disappointed but determined, these three set out to find a new way to help authors like themselves get published, even if they’re not currently trending on TikTok. Their first publication, The Life of an Unknown Author: An Anthology on Writing and Publishing from Some of the Best Authors You Haven’t Yet Read features essays from the three founders, as well as fellow unknown authors, all focused on the topic of what it means to be unknown. By capitalizing on the micro-communities of the multiple authors featured in the anthology, their book has the potential to reach more than 50,000 readers. How’s that for being unknown?

The bottom line is this—The Unknown Authors Club might just be home to some of the best authors you haven’t yet read.

More info available at theunknownauthorsclub.com.

Available in paperback or ebook

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